Apr 23, 2024

Changes in management at Alrow Media

Alrow Media, which publishes Altinget in three Scandinavian countries and Mandag Morgen in Denmark with an associated think tank, announces changes in its group management.

CEO since 2019, Christoph Nørgaard (49), will be leaving Alrow Media.

Company owner and chairman Rasmus Nielsen says: "Christoph Nørgaard has streamlined our organization across the three Scandinavian countries. With surgical business acumen, he has sold off the parts that did not provide added value or were too far from our core product. This has provided the capital basis for launching Altinget in Norway, where Christoph has put together a management team that bodes brilliantly for the future. Under Christoph Nørgaard, the company has grown in turnover and not least in value. He ambitiously set the goal of becoming the Nordic region's most important and largest political media house, which he is now close to delivering. The board and I are grateful to him for all of this."

Christoph Nørgaard has also served on the board of the Danish media publisher’s organization Danske Medier and as deputy chairman of the Danish media publishers' rights organisation DPCMO.

Christoph Nørgaard says: "It has been a privilege to be part of a small piece of Danish media history. The media industry is extremely changeable, and along the way there has been both a corona crisis and an advertising crisis. Nevertheless, we have lived out our dream of creating the largest political media house in the Nordic region. I am proud of the results we have created since 2019 together with the Board of Directors and all the talented colleagues, and I will always think back on these years as very special. The company is filled with talent and talented people who, together with my replacement, can carry the dream onwards."

Christoph Nørgaard completes this financial year, which ends on June 30th. A smooth transition to the replacement has been agreed. The new CEO is expected to take over on August 1st 2024.